Explore Our Wide Range of Consulting Services

The Deerborne Group offers a wide range of consulting services to help our clients identify new opportunities, navigate risks, and solve some of their most difficult management challenges. It’s literally our mission to help our clients accelerate insights into value.

The Deerborne Group is comprised of industry-leading consultants from across the globe. We combine our extensive expertise with first-hand knowledge to help our clients gain the strategic insights needed to identify and accelerate the development and commercialization of promising diagnostic solutions.

Two men shaking hands in front of a window.

How We Help

  • Business Case Development – Post COVID, opportunities are literally everywhere. However, where do you place your bets? We work side-by-side with our clients to develop carefully researched and well-vetted business cases that support your corporate objectives.
  • Competitive Analyses – The competition always gets a say so in any plan you develop. That’s why it’s paramount to understand your customer’s unmet needs first. We’ll conduct the qualitative research and voice-of-customer with your industry’s top key opinion leaders to uncover the insights that will then inform on the development of innovative strategies designed to outmaneuver your competitors.
  • Due Diligence – Our firm specializes in supporting clients who are considering mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the global genomics and precision diagnostics markets. With our extensive subject matter expertise, we enhance and complement their due diligence process. By partnering with us, you can expect to receive valuable feedback, insightful perspectives, and a thorough analysis, all aimed at increasing your confidence and enabling you to make well-informed investment decisions.
  • Go-to-Market Strategies – Market research and competitive intelligence are critical activities when commercializing a new product. This is where COMPASS 360° comes in. COMPASS 360° is a propriety process that provides key decision-makers with actionable insights as the basis for developing go-to-market strategies and making better-informed decisions.
  • Market Access & Reimbursement Strategies – Market access and reimbursement is complicated, and our experts can help you develop and execute your market access & reimbursement strategy. Everything from successfully navigating MolDx to obtaining a positive coverage determination from commercial payors.
  • Market Assessments – Market assessments are a comprehensive analysis of the competitors, customers, distribution, market, regulatory, reimbursement, and other industry stakeholders. These assessments uncover barriers, drivers, and opportunities and thus are foundational to the development of any plan. Market assessments are the ultimate benchmarking tool.
  • Outsourcing – We are all being asked to do more with less these days. Do you need a cost-effective, short-term solution to ensure that the work still gets done? Outsourcing provides a flexible and scalable solution that allows you to focus on your core business functions to stay competitive and grow your business.
  • Strategy Consulting – Arguably one of the most delicate aspects of consulting includes helping boards and their senior executive’s re-tool existing strategies and possibly the future of their companies. These are high-stakes engagements that require not just experience, but actual subject matter expertise and an even hand on the wheel when helping clients accelerate insights into value.

The Deerborne Group Difference

  • We are problem solvers with deep industry expertise. We are subject matter experts who know and understand that there is a tremendous knowledge gap between experience and expertise. This is why all our consultants come exclusively from the life sciences with decades of real-world, hands-on expertise capable of helping you solve your most complex challenges.